What is new in the new game? The name says it all - "Rummikub with a Twist". Our innovation focused on the most important card/tile - the Joker. Who said there should be only one kind of Joker? Who said it should always have the same role? We reinvented the Joker, and replaced it with three new ones - a "Mirror Joker" that makes it possible to turn back the series of numbers that comes after it - from the end to the beginning; a "Color Changing Joker" which can turn the color of the series; and a "Double Joker" that replaces 2 game tiles at once. These additions create a lot of excitement and enrich the game experience with a faster pace, more action, challenge and fun.
In addition, the game was launched with a fresh design and up-to-date appearance, as well as functional advantages - a slightly curved board that keeps each players' tiles hidden from the other players, and game tiles that stack better. Another significant twist is a "green" one: the new tiles are made of only 50% of the plastic used for the original ones.
Since its introduction to the market, the new game has created a lot of buzz. The game was nominated in Germany to be among the top ten games of 2015. Today it is already marketed in several countries with great success and will soon enter even more markets.